Satisfaction clients - ce que nos clients disent :
« Le professionnalisme, la réactivité, le conseil, l’accompagnement font de chaque collaboration avec Olivier et ECS Conseil un échange et un travail de qualité ! La disponibilité et la pertinence des recommandations faites nous ont permis de livrer à nos clients un travail enrichi. »
Alexis Mouthon, Havas Worldwide Genève
« L’étude réalisée par ECS a très bien répondu à nos attentes. L’approche méthodologique originale a permis d’obtenir des résultats riches et clairs , avec un questionnaire relativement court et fluide. Nous avons pu identifier immédiatement des axes d’amélioration précis et ciblés. »
Claire Ménétré, Bongrain Ltd
« Looking for a new way to identify consumers’ types, we decided to work with ECS and use their Midas tool to develop a « Typology of consumers ». This Tool is very interesting because it allow us to analyze the whole market (all competitors) on a lot of criteria (product, service, corporate image…) which is very rich for Marketing, Sales or Corporate communication. We were able to identify clusters of consumers based on their motivations to buy and dig into each of them not only to understand their socio-demographic profile but, much more interesting, their specific hierarchy of motivation: What motivates them to come to McDonald’s or not and what we should improve? In one word: a set of actionable recommendations for different Departments to address several targets. »
Marius Truttmann, McDonald’s, Switzerland
« … Midas m’a accompagné dans mes réflexions et m’a offert une bonne base de décision pour le positionnement optimum et complémentaire des diverses marques de café dont NESTLE assure la commercialisation. Le diagnostic ECS sur la base de Midas est extrêmement pointu grâce à l’identification des motivations individuelles permettant de créer des typologies de consommateurs et d’affiner la cible à viser. La précision de l’identification des motivations par sous-groupes nous a permis de repositionner avec succès quelques marques et de contrôler leur évolution. L’analyse de l’évolution des motivations des consommateurs nous a permis d’anticiper les tendances à venir … »
Jean-Claude Ramel, Nestlé, Suisse
« We used Midas for our shoe stores business. As every manager we had an idea of what people like in our stores, but Midas gave us the opportunity to really understand our strengths and weaknesses against all our competitors. It allow us to identify who are the people in our target, besides our present customers. But more important we knew after this analysis that – what we thought was important – were not the key driver for our target. This methodology gave us indications on how to be more competitive and explain how to address our target’s needs. »
Sebastien Aeschbach, Aeschbach Chaussures, Switzerland
« DuPont Fluoropolymer has used Midas several times for a customer satisfaction survey. this methodology allowed us to measure not only the satisfaction of ours customers against selected criterias but also their motivation vs those criterias. For example, a customer may not be satisfied with a price but the price may not be his main motivation if it includes different services like a brand for instance. The Midas methodology developed by ECS gave us full satisfaction for our customer satisfaction surveys. »
Renée Bernaz, DuPont
« The beauty of Midas is that it can be applied to existing research or based on an adhoc market survey. It is very flexible and the people I worked with where high calibre professionals who understood not only the issues we were face with, but also had valuable knowledge of the various industries, consumer and markets. The findings provided by Midas have always been actionable and enabled us to overcome the issues faced with & contributed to improve the Brand Health Indicators and our bottom line. »
Ali Gursoy, British American Tobacco, Argentina
« For our « Brand Health Tracking » we work with ECS for their highly professional team, and for the Midas methodology. It goes beyond a classical BHT and gives a deep understanding of the competitive landscape (in 8 different countries), of the consumers’ motivations to buy in our category as well as a deep diagnosis to understand our core values and all the aspects of our value proposition that we have to improve. We also successfully used this methodology to evaluate new concepts and packaging. »
Frédéric Porchet, Nestlé International Travel Retail
Un extrait de notre liste de clients

La satisfaction clients est au cœur de nos préoccupations.
Elle passe par une écoute de tous les instants, une adaptabilité permanente, un regard neutre et critique ainsi que des résultats pertinents, utiles et actionnables.